Welcome to Santo Domingo Orchard
Our organic farm is near Bago City in Negros Occidental, Philippines. The ideas and inspiration behind what we do come from far and wide.
We are a group of people that explore and experiment with natural farming techniques and cultural practices. We try to understand how what we do affects the environment. We do not take from the land and we do not add to it. We work with it, and enrich it with natural microorganisms to restore it to its natural state of fertility. This means we can grow and nurture healthy, organic food, restore balance to the land and increase biodiversity.
Grow the soil, and the soil grows your plants.

How to become part of the farm
Our collaborative approach to farming means we are always open to new ideas. Our resources come from the land and the people who care for it, and we welcome visitors so that we can share our knowledge and experience, and learn from them too.
We accommodate educational visits and offer internships for members of the local community. Our on-the-job training (OJT) program for K12 and collegiate level is focused on permaculture and IT-based farm management. We accept volunteers from the Philippines WWOOF (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms) association. Find out more about WWOOFing at Santo Domingo.
To arrange a visit, please call +63-917-872-8163 or +63-34-4320120; or, send an email to sd_orchard@homresconsulting.com and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Some of our Projects
We experiment with different farming techniques and explore ways to further develop the ones we already use. Our current projects include:
- Aquaponics (experimental 200 ltr tank, graduating to 2,000 ltr)
- Vegetable and herb garden
- Food Forest and water harvesting with swales, as part of our permaculture program
- Apiary
- Riverhouse extension
- Goats
- ‘No-stink’ piggery
- Poultry: turkeys, geese, chickens
- Indigenous tree planting

Our Goal
To create and sustain a group of small farms that work together as one unit and produce healthy food, care for the environment and create a happy community.
How We Aim to do it
- Grow trees, fruits, vegetables and herbs using natural methods
- Care for animals and fish to provide protein and nitrogen
- Research and produce herbal alternatives for health and wellness
- Encourage community members to maintain their surroundings in harmony with the natural world
- Transfer learned technology and skills in plant care, farm practices and carpentry for the sustenance of the local, and wider, community