Activities Posted on February 10, 2014March 14, 2014 by Mariano de la Paz intent listeners: CPU students CPU agri-tour briefing CPSU OJT’s setting traps to collect indigenous microorganisms CPSU OJT’s isolating lacto-bacillus Seting up a new well by the riverhouse. Month long interns from Bago City College Taking it easy Aimee & crowd Monday is for bananas QC (quality control) First Banana harvest, November 12, 2009 Fruit picking (Abiu) Fruit picking (Citron) Discussing permaculture Explaining IT based management Databases and farming Starting a food forest Explaining plans of expansion to MUAD visitors Discussing economics MUAD field tour MUAD office employees and field workers Visit from ONOPRA & provincial agri representatives (Soils Lab) A. Benedicto and company Getting worms to work for you tech transfer A new breed of organic enthusiasts tech transfer tech transfer Writing to home (Spain) searching for opportunities Bacolod City College gathering data for their school report swine fattening educating BIM preparation lactu-bacillus culture (LABS) pruning composting vermiculture Elsa and Simba in Bago river A river to cross mud packing? visit from KinderHome Foundation. explaining how to start a food forest to farmers from KinderHome Foundation Explaining the importance of swales to some farmers. permaculture principles Discussing erosion and its mitigation. explaining aquaponics to farmers of KinderHome Foundation aquaponics The role of trees in permaculture design swales and their function