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Chemi, wife and kids (Spain)
Nasair (Seattle)
Megan (Guatemala)
Kickie (Austria)
Natalia (Spain)
Stefie (Austria)
Elyes (France)
Amelia (New York)
Emailing home
David and Marinne (France)
Enrique and Claudia (Colorado), Ella (UK)
Banana harvest
pruning guavas.
sharing recipes and more
She doesn’t really bite.
caimito in season
new Intern
After banana harvest
Nasair and Megan leaving for Korea
visit from WWOOF admins
Explaining lactu-bacillus
Recognizing lactu-bacillus by smell
Nasair trying his hand
all in a day’s work
this branch has to come off
visit from WWOOF admins
local interns
Elsa Ligaya (France)
Elsa and Simba in Bago river
Olga Alexandrova (Russia)